

The Advantages of biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is literally the "revival" of the skin, it becomes possible due to the activity of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, a component that penetrates deep into cells, restores metabolic processes and prevents the development of age-related changes.

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Placement of dental implants

Placement of dental implants

"Elix Clinic" offers a complete package of implant selection and placement services. Dentists have been working with German, Korean, French, Swiss and American implant systems for many years. They will be able to choose the most suitable option for you in terms of quality and price.

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Dental treatment during pregnancy

Dental treatment during pregnancy

There is an opinion that the treatment of toothache during pregnancy is unacceptable, because dental procedures can harm the child.

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7 best peelings for the face

7 best peelings for the face

Fading of facial color, appearance of wrinkles, acne marks, pigmentation, sagging skin and signs of facial fatigue, if you are familiar with these phenomena, then this material will be very useful for you.

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Discolored (yellow) teeth

Discolored (yellowed) teeth

A natural snow-white smile is unfortunately extremely rare. We are born with a certain shade of skin, eyes, hair and teeth. Over time, the color of the teeth changes and worsens, and most often a yellowish shade appears.

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Air-Flow teeth cleaning method

Air-Flow teeth cleaning method

Air Flow vacuum cleaning is a professional methodology that allows you to eliminate dental plaque and pathogenic bacteria, including staphylococcus.

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