Mesotherapy and biorevitalization have long been among the most popular types of injection cosmetic procedures.
The procedures are performed using the same technique, but they differ in subtle nuances.
Let’s find out what girls need to know before visiting a cosmetologist.
Cosmetologist Lilith Thomasyan explains all the details of the procedures.
Mesotherapy is a method of injecting active cocktails into the deep layers of the dermis to improve the quality, appearance, tone, and turgor of the skin, as well as to address specific cosmetic issues.
Mesotherapy procedures are aimed at delivering vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or other beneficial substances into the dermis. The depth of substance absorption reaches up to three millimeters. The mixture of substances used is referred to as therapeutic cocktails or serums.
The composition of the mixture is determined by the cosmetologist based on the patient's current skin condition and the therapeutic goals of the injections.
Mesotherapy has long been used not only for rejuvenating the skin but also for treating acne, rosacea, pigmentation, and dark circles under the eyes. When addressing skin imperfections on the body, medications are used that break down fat deposits and improve blood circulation. The elimination of localized capillary dilation involves the introduction of compounds into the patient's dermis that strengthen the walls of small blood vessels.
The technique of performing classic mesotherapy depends on the serum composition and the intended purpose. The automation of the process is achieved through the use of mesoscouters and meso injectors. The main requirement of the procedure is sterility and the ability to precisely measure the amount of serum given to the patient.
Non-injection types of procedures are presented through laser, ultrasound, and gas-liquid mesotherapy.
Biorevitalization was initially a special case of mesotherapy. The procedure's process was the same, with the differences only in the composition, specifically the main active ingredient. At first, biorevitalization was a procedure for the "revitalization" of the skin, or literally the "natural restoration of life," by restoring the balance of hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate, Hyaluronic acid).
The introduction of hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient into the deep layers of the skin through mesotherapy technique was given a separate name: BIOREVITALIZATION. However, the technology did not stop there and soon biorevitalization, with its advanced technologies and effectiveness, turned into a separate independent direction.
Today, biorevitalization is one of the most popular and sought-after procedures in cosmetology. Biorevitalizers now contain not only hyaluronic acid but also rich complexes of highly effective ingredients such as peptides, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and more. Furthermore, nowadays, these cocktail ingredients no longer need to be manually "assembled" from separate ampoules; they are all securely sealed and gathered in one sterile syringe.
Biorevitalization procedures provide deep hydration to the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, restore the extracellular matrix, and provide an unmatched anti-aging effect, permanently erasing signs of premature aging from the face.
Indications for the procedure:
Skin dryness
Disruption of the skin's water balance, with age-related decrease in natural hyaluronic acid production
Formation of fine wrinkles
Photoaging of the facial skin
Grayish complexion
Skin dryness after aggressive laser procedures
The therapeutic effect is achieved over several procedures.
The duration of the procedures is determined by the doctor, taking into account each patient's individual parameters. Some procedures are very effective up to the age of 30, but after 40, they may no longer have such a pronounced effect. Everything is very individual, and the cosmetologist prescribes the treatment based on the specific needs and characteristics of each client.
Undergoing biorevitalization or mesotherapy should not be accompanied by abandoning traditional skin care procedures. They help extend the effect of the cocktail ingredients and keep the skin in optimal condition.
It is recommended for girls to use nourishing creams, masks, and moisturizing serums. Quitting smoking and alcohol, maintaining a balanced diet, and ensuring a proper intake of minerals and vitamins will be the key to long-term preservation of the results achieved from the injections.
Contraindications and Side Effects:
Doctors consider mesotherapy and biorevitalization to be safe methods for skin rejuvenation. However, patients must strictly follow all the cosmetologist's recommendations to avoid the development of complications.
The contraindications for the procedures are as follows:
Pregnancy and lactation
Allergy to certain serum components
Tendency to form keloid scars
Psoriasis and any skin inflammation
Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections
Before performing any procedure, doctors discuss existing contraindications and conduct a medical history review. It is important not to hide any relevant information from the cosmetologist that could reduce the effectiveness of the procedure or lead to complications.
Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are injection procedures aimed at solving cosmetic issues. From a methodological standpoint, there is no difference between them, as biorevitalization is a special case of mesotherapy.
The initial consultation and examination will allow the cosmetologist to identify areas of the skin that require additional hydration or stimulation of medications, prescribe the treatment, and determine the necessary number of procedures.