Caries and Its Treatment in Yerevan

Caries and Its Treatment in Yerevan

What is Caries?

Caries is one of the most common dental issues. It occurs when bacteria present in dental plaque produce acids that damage the enamel of the teeth. If left untreated, caries can progress and lead to serious complications, such as pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth nerve), inflammation of the surrounding tissues, and eventual tooth loss.

Causes of Caries

The main causes of caries are:

  • Food Residues: Foods rich in sugar and starch, such as sweets, beverages, and white bread, promote bacterial growth.
  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate care, including irregular tooth brushing and lack of proper oral hygiene, can contribute to the development of caries.
  • Insufficient Fluoride Intake: Fluoride helps protect tooth enamel from caries. A low fluoride level can increase the risk of caries.
  • Dry Mouth: Reduced saliva production can prevent the neutralization of acids in the mouth, promoting bacterial growth.   

Symptoms of Caries

Early symptoms of caries include:

  • Tooth sensitivity, especially to sweet, hot, or cold foods.
  • Pain or discomfort in a specific area of the tooth.
  • Visible pits or black spots on the teeth.
  • Toothache, especially while eating or drinking.

Methods of Treating Caries

The treatment of caries may vary depending on the extent of the damage and the severity of the symptoms.

The main methods of caries treatment are:

  1. Tooth Fluoridation: - Caries detected in its early stages can be treated with fluoridation. Fluoride can help restore the enamel of the teeth and prevent further damage.
  2. Caries Cleaning and Filling: For treating caries, the dentist may remove the damaged part of the tooth and fill it with special materials, such as light-cured fillings.
  3. Crowns: - If a large part of the tooth is damaged, crowns may be needed to restore and protect the tooth.
  4. Root Canal Treatment: - If caries has reached the tooth's root, root canal treatment is necessary to remove the infection and save the tooth.
  5. Tooth Extraction: - If the tooth is severely damaged and cannot be restored, the dentist may recommend tooth extraction and replacement with prosthetics or implants

Prevention of Caries

To prevent caries, it is important to follow good hygiene practices, including:

  • Regular tooth brushing: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use dental care products: Use dental floss and rinse your mouth with antibacterial solutions.
  • Avoid sugary foods: Reduce the intake of sugar and starch-rich foods.
  • Regular dental check-ups: Visit the dentist at least every six months for preventive examinations and teeth cleaning.

Early detection and proper treatment of caries can prevent serious issues and help maintain tooth health. By following good hygiene habits and having regular dental visits, you can reduce the risk of caries and preserve the beauty and health of your smile.
Thanks to the development of new technologies and treatment methods, it is now possible to detect and treat caries in a timely manner, keeping your teeth healthy and strong for a lifetime.  

You can find out the preliminary price for dental treatment in Armenia from the operator: +374 55 76 30 80

Remember: the earlier the disease is detected, the easier and faster and inexpensive it is to cure. You should also take into account the fact that even the most complex treatment procedures will cost less than prosthetics in case of complete tooth loss. Do not neglect your precious health! Get treatment in Armenia at the reliable dental center Elix Clinic - effectively, painlessly, inexpensively!

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