Two-stage implantation of teeth in Armenia

Two-stage implantation of teeth

At the Elix Center, we restore the patient's dentures using the classic two-stage implant procedure.
This is the most reliable and safe method of restoring missing teeth. Minimal contraindications, complete recovery 2-4 months after surgery.

Two-stage implantation is a universal technique of restoration of teeth with two stages. At the first stage, the dental implant is placed and covered with a valve, at the second stage, a few months later, the permanent dental crown is fastened.

The period of osseointegration (complete fusion of the implant) varies from 2 to 6 months, depending on the jaw (upper or lower jaw) and the characteristics of the implants used.

Indications for two-stage implantation are:

Absence of one, several or all the teeth, absence of several adjacent or scattered dental units, etc.

Contraindications for two-stage implantation are:

Absence of bone tissue, presence of inflammatory processes in the body, HIV infection, problems related to the central nervous system, blood diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Advantages of two-stage implantation:


According to statistics, two-stage implantation is mostly successful. Artificial implants successfully fuse and perform all basic functions, the risks of rejection by the body are low.

Predictable result

Already at the stage of preparation for the operation, the doctor can predict the result. The doctor takes into account the condition of the bone tissue, the selected implant, the general condition of the teeth, hard and soft tissues.


After placing the artificial tooth, the stitches are put in, which minimizes the risk of pathogens entering the open wound.

Comfortable conditions

A short interval between osseointegration and placement of a permanent crown allows the implant to take root successfully and the patient to prepare mentally and financially for the next stage of implant placement. Sufficient time to achieve the result If the implant operation is performed on the lower jaw, the complete recovery period lasts about three months. The full recovery time for implants for the upper jaw is approximately 4-5 months.

What are the differences between one-stage and two-stage implantation?

In the case of the two-stage method, there is a higher probability of implant fusion, since there is no contact with the environment after placement, the risk of microbial penetration is reduced.
With the classic one-step method, during the first 20 days, before the gum formation, there is a high risk of infection from the oral cavity, which worsens the osseointegration process, but depending on the doctor's professionalism, this can also be considered a desirable method.
The two-stage implantation method takes longer, but at the same time has more guarantees of a successful result.


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