Acute toothache

Acute toothache

What to do if the tooth hurts a lot?

Toothache is completely unpredictable, and sometimes it appears at the most inconvenient time, for example, during a business trip or vacation. Moreover, the patient doesn't always have the opportunity to visit the dentist immediately, but the discomfort caused by acute pain is almost impossible to endure. In this case, the main problem is to find a way to alleviate the discomfort and try to plan a visit to the doctor quickly.

Why does acute toothache occur?

Pain is almost always a symptom of an inflammatory process, it doesn't just appear. One of the most likely causes is pulpitis, which often follows untreated caries. In this disease, the plaque, the soft tissue that fills the tooth cavity and contains a large number of nerve endings, becomes inflamed. Hence the pain, which, as a rule, intensifies in the lying position, therefore, attacks of acute pain often occur at night. In the case of pulpitis, the pain is acute, throbbing, it can spread not only to the adjacent teeth, but even to the ear or throat. Acute toothache can often be a result of periodontitis, that is, it is a companion of inflammation of the upper part of the root of the tooth. During periodontitis, in addition to pain, the patient may be disturbed by swelling of the gums, cysts, and purulent production. Acute pain occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the tooth or its surrounding tissues. Hyperesthesia or increased sensitivity of the teeth also causes pain, but it passes quickly enough.

What is an acute toothache dangerous with?

If you self-medicate the pain, it will only stop for a while and then come back again and again. The pain will become chronic, inflammation will occur and lead to serious health problems. Losing a tooth is quite possible if the disease itself, which provokes attacks of acute pain, is not treated. The sooner you contact a specialist, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

How to get rid of toothache at home? Of course, the best option is not to self-medicate, but to seek the help of a dentist, he will make a diagnosis, determine the cause of the pain and offer a treatment plan to solve the problem. However, we understand that it is not always possible to see a doctor immediately, so before the visit, you can try to alleviate the pain with traditional methods:

• Rinsing with medicinal herbs. for example salvia, oregano, oak bark, chamomile, calendula
• Taking painkillers. Remember that their intake should be carried out with the utmost caution, don't use strong drugs, especially antibiotics, without a doctor's prescription.
• Compresses (only not hot, heating the aching tooth is strictly not recommended).

To avoid thinking about the pain, you can try to distract yourself by focusing on a hobby or work. Active activity in this case is even welcome, but lying down, on the contrary, is not worth it, because in a lying position, the pressure on the aching tooth will most likely only increase. If the pain is caused by external conditions, for example, the temperature difference in the oral cavity (hot coffee after cold ice cream), then such an effect should be eliminated as soon as possible, and also try not to chew on the painful side. And remember that self-medication can cause serious consequences, and all home remedies only reduce the symptoms, but don't fight the disease that caused the pain. Therefore, the pain will definitely return again if you don't visit the dentist in time.


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